2020 has been an eventful year, to say the least (March deserves a chapter all to itself in future history books), filled with protests, a polarizing presidential election, and a…

2020 has been an eventful year, to say the least (March deserves a chapter all to itself in future history books), filled with protests, a polarizing presidential election, and a…
For someone who loves to write and who recently joined the blog you’re currently reading, I really can’t stand journaling. In theory, I love the idea of spilling the fleeting…
You sit down at your desk after a long, hard day of work. Unraveling your headphones, you anticipate the transcendent melodies of your favorite artists. Today, it’s Elliot Smith, and nothing could stop you from drifting off to the sound of his cherubic voice. Just as you lift a steamy cup of herbal tea to your lips and click play, you jerk back in agony, your headphones flying off your head and crashing to the linoleum floor.
Spring break is officially less then a week away. Already, you can feel the sand beneath your toes as you lounge on the beach. The snow and cold air biting at…
The past few weeks in Nashville can pretty much be summed up in one word – cold. If you’re anything like me, you are beginning to have trouble remembering what…
With all students — both old and new — arriving back on campus this weekend, our e-staff curated the last playlist of our summer series based on our favorite songs from and…