Just the other day I was making the seemingly endless hike from Kissam to Blair when I put my iPod on shuffle. Yes, times were desperate. My battery was running low and Spotify refused to connect, so I was listening to music that I had actually purchased off iTunes (talk about a throwback.) A U2 song came on and I suddenly realized that the lyrics were speaking to my very soul. You see, second semester senior year is not easy. Whether or not you know what you’re doing after graduation (guess which category I fall in), it’s a confusing and emotional time. But don’t worry, Bono, The Edge and the two other guys are here to empathize with you. The following playlist is a bunch of U2 songs that are a reflection of the struggles of being a second semester senior. Hopefully, this will help motivate you to power through the next month – or at least entertain you as you procrastinate until the bitter end.