For those seniors who have spent a big chunk of their last four years in our station in the basement of Sarratt, the opportunity to do a final radio show is a big deal– a really big deal. Of course, that crushingly won’t be possible this year given the early closure of Vanderbilt’s campus in response to the coronavirus pandemic. So, we’ve taken to the blog once again for a chance to share some music, reminisce, and get in our feels about all that’s going on. In substitution for their lasts shows, some of our soon-to-be graduates have compiled what would have been their final playlists and shared with us a few of their favorite WRVU memories. We hope you’ll read and tune in, or if you’re me, shed a few tears about it too.
And to all of our seniors: thank you for all of the time, energy, and love that you put into WRVU. The station wouldn’t be what it is today without you. We love you, we’ll miss you, and if you ever find yourself in Nashville, you better come visit us. Robot DJ Hal could always use an extra break.
Dylan DePriest — Cyber Insecurity
I did not expect my last show to be like this, but hey life always throws unexpected CURVE BALLS BRO am I right? You might be wondering why that phrase is in all caps, well I’ll tell ya! There is a trend in indie music to reference sports and family members in band names, despite all of us collectively missing the Big Game because we’re too busy yelling at our parents that they don’t understand us. I have always joked about doing this, and since this is probably my last shot for a while, I decided to take a swing at it. This final show is called Lacrosse Aunt (my go-to fake band name), a playlist of my favorite Sport and Family related bands. It’s a mix of some brand new quarantine releases and some all-time classics. Whether you want to yearn to Soccer Mommy, have a manic dreamy dance party to Hockey Dad, or Remember Sports as a thing that happened before we were all shoved into quarantine with our families, this show has got you covered. So what are you waiting for, go put this playlist on and go play some socially distanced sports with your
While I am heartbroken for it to have ended like this, I am forever grateful for my WRVU experience. From getting the chance to interview some of my favorite artists, to covering some of the best concerts, and diving into hot music takes, WRVU has truly made Nashville live up to its nickname of Music City.
However, all of that pales in comparison to the real beauty behind the station- the people who are a part of it. I have met so many of my best friends through this station, people who made my college career unforgettable. i want to especially give a big shoutout to my cohost Julia for putting up with all my dumb shenanigans over the years, and being the best cohost and concert pal that a angsty music nerd could ask for. I also want to thank everyone who has listened to Julia and I ramble on over the course of these 4 years, y’all are the reason we love to do this. Well, before I get too emo, this is Dylan DePriest signing off of WRVU,
Lola García — on the net
Hello WRVU. If you do not know me, my name is Lola García and I am the person who, with so much help from the rest of exec, has done some outreach and marketing for the station these past two years. As a senior, I will be graduating in fewer days than I really care to admit (without the closure of a ceremony, RIP). So, this post is an attempt to construct some closure, at the very least within the community that meant the most to me.
Frankly, this year has been quite difficult. I have struggled with various health issues combined with the anxiety of having to start a new life soon. I have been introspective — thinking of all the ways in which our mental and physical health often affect who we ultimately are and function in the world. And what does that mean for me? Am I really all that I can be? A beloved professor of mine helped lead me to think deeper about Deleuze and Guattari’s approach to understanding the relationship between self, body, and society. I started to think of how our identities are manifested not only from our physical, cultural and emotional states but also from our mind and body’s fluctuating ability to have a creative desire to make sense of the world. In this way, I think that music and the company WRVU brings has given me a stronger sense of creative self and sanity. Although I still struggle to balance myself and all the resources around me at times, I find peace knowing that my interaction with music as an abstract and tangible concept will always improve the quality of my life at any given moment.
Truly, I am going to miss this. I am going to miss my show, exec meetings, trainees, gift exchanges, strangely themed parties, the Futurama robot on the station computer, Dylan’s constantly changing hair… I will always carry WRVU with me. I can only be who I am in the present, so to connect you to me in the truest way, I’ll share a playlist of music I currently listen to. We are living in difficult, uncertain times. Although we are all physically separated and alone, we are not alone in how we are feeling. I hope that you too can find some calmness within the sounds.
Katherine Hernandez — Kat’s Cradle
When I sat down to make my final playlist for WRVU, I realized I had far more to share than our normal 1 hour long slots would allow – so please bear with me. Each week I’ve looked forward to my solace in the station, carving out an hour of my busy schedule for the pure sake of listening to and finding new music. WRVU has let me cultivate my music taste and interests throughout the years, while finding like minded people who also just wanna blabber about and boogie to the tunes as well. It has given me a platform to discover my voice and opinions, emboldened by the idea that there are people out there listening to my show who actually want to hear what I think. I have loved being able to create a set that is completely my own. So, here is hoping that this playlist reflects just that.
I planned to use my future showtimes throughout this final semester to reflect on my past 3 years with WRVU. That will sadly not be the case. While it may be a bit longer running time than our usual slots, this playlist is a condensed version of my journey through music over my time at Vanderbilt. Beginning with songs that got me into certain genres or songs I grew up dancing to in the kitchen with my mom. Next is when I threw myself into the music world of Nashville, playing songs I’d find through WRVU, various industry internships around town, or from the amazing shows and festivals I’d see throughout this great city. Then there is a little Australian phase of the playlist, exhibiting a dive into the songs and genres I discovered down under. The playlist culminates as my senior year has: attempting to tie it all together with elements of familiarity, only to lose any real structure and divulging into a novel disorder. You’ll hear some songs that I was planning on highlighting during these last few shows (oh well) that I discovered at the dope Okeechobee Music Festival. Lastly, I have incorporated bits from another playlist of mine “quarantunes” that features all the music I have stumbled upon during these last few strange weeks.
While this “Final Kat’s Cradle” playlist may have artists from all different genres and years, I am happy it reflects this journey WRVU has directed the last few years. The playlist is bookended by “Cat’s in the Cradle,” the Harry Chapin classic that has become the theme song of my show. Since I have started each semester playing this tune, I found it only fitting to finish my airtime with it as well. Here’s to those that came on my show and hosted with me the last few years – I could not have done it without your banter. Thank you for tuning in each week to hear my unfounded opinions on the music, jamming along, and letting me hog the aux. ily. -Katherine Hernandez
Sophia Moak — Smoak Break

I remember in the days after my first ever show as a freshman on the WRVU airwaves, my dad called me. He had also worked as a DJ in college, spinning the Clash every chance he got. When he was preparing for his shows, he relayed to me over phone, he would ideate potential playlists on the napkins during lunch. “The crumpled napkin has a certain authenticity to it,” he stated, “as if you had been carrying it around in your pocket. Writing down ideas as they come.” So for my second show, I wrote down some songs I wanted to play during my lunch break on a brown napkin.
I have written one of these playlist napkins for the past four years as a DJ at WRVU. At some point, I started posting these playlists on social media to garner support for the show. But it was never about advertising, really. I used these napkin playlists to be intentional about my music choices. Having a show with WRVU provided me with the perfect creative outlet, not only for discovering new music (much of which I might not have listened to without motivation from the station) but also for making new art for every show.
Plus, WRVU was the cute lil music community I never knew I needed, full of creative minds and groovy people. I looked forward to concerts in the Nashville community; I would inevitably see someone from WRVU and (if the music was right) mosh around with them. One of my favorite memories was my first WRVU CranJam my sophomore year with the large poster for everyone to draw turkey hands on. The ability to serve on WRVU Exec, first as executive coordinator and then as music director, strengthened my bond with the station and its DJs even more. Sorting through the countless Christmas rap songs submitted to my exec email was a hoot and made my involvement even more worth it to be real.
In the absence of a formal final show at the station, I devised what I suppose would have been my final playlist. Realistically, it probably would have been something I threw together only a few hours before. But my playlist devolved into a sort of time travel trip through my four years as a DJ as I made it (because each year had its own feeling and sound). Give it the
P.S. thanks to my friend Sophie for coming up with the sick show name,
Adrienne Park — Can I Hold the Mic
Although I joined WRVU pretty late as a senior, it has had a huge impact on my college experience. I’ve met some really cool people, had some really cool experiences, and done what I love to do best: share my music with people. I was extremely sad when I realized that I would not be able to have my final show on air, but I am thankful that we are still given this last outlet.
When thinking about my last playlist, I began to make a list of what I would consider my favorite songs. But then I realized that that might not be what I want my final goodbye to be. I decided to use a playlist that I had made up for months . It is entitled “Songs that make me cry”. This sounds depressing, and maybe it is… But to me, this playlist is for thinking more than anything. About life, music or whatever. And they are not all sad, necessarily. A good chunk of the songs are just really beautiful to me, such as “Amorous” Jesse Boykins III or “Oh, What A World” Kacey Musgraves. Others are just plain sad, like “20 Something” SZA, “Could Be A Curse” KAINA, or “Won’t Live Here” Daniel Caesar.
I hope people listen to it and feel the feelings.
P.S. Can I Hold the Mic was dedicated to Solange Knowles
Julia Schmitt — Assorted Nuts
I remember the moment I knew WRVU was the community for me. It was August 2016 and the current e-staff was holding an interest meeting on commons. One of the e-staffers was wearing a Pinegrove t-shirt and that’s all it took — I was absolutely sold. Many things have changed since then (like my reaction if I see someone wearing a Pinegrove t-shirt), but WRVU has always remained my favorite organization on campus.
I was completely blindsided by the abrupt end to my senior year and I found myself unprepared to let go of all the things I would never get to do again. Most of all, I was crushed that my last few shows on WRVU would not be happening. I wanted one last show to reflect on my college experience and to talk about the songs that got me through it. I wanted to thank everyone who ever listened to me and Dylan talk about pokemon, politics, and mental health. I wanted to overshare my opinions about music one last time.
I know I won’t get what I wanted the way that I wanted, but I can still thank WRVU. For the exec meetings, the concerts, the niche parties, the community and so much more, thank you.
Cindee Tang — Existangtialist Thoughts
Being involved with WRVU has been an amazing experience, and I’m glad I can be one of those old people that get to say “you know, I did college radio when I was your age.” I mean, it’s no Stretch and Bobbito by any means… but in my heart, it’s something close to that. Although I only have a 1 hour slot, I imagined my last day at the station being something like this:
I walk in (with my roommate), and start playing the music. In between songs I am likely talking about the significance of each song to me and get very sentimental. I’m probably trying not to cry because I don’t want to show my roommate that I’m a simp. I’ll probably start bringing up nostalgic memories to my roommate while the songs are playing. The intensity…intensifies…All of a sudden it’s 5 minutes until my slot is over… there is so much to be said, so much to be heard… Time has lost meaning all of a sudden…the songs pour out of my Spotify like vomit. Can’t stop playing music…The next DJ comes and I am forced to leave, leave (1) tear on the control board.
Since I do not have the emotional bandwidth to go into depth about each song’s significance to me–I will just say that the songs in this playlist have been tied to experiences that span a wide range of emotions that make me relish the intensity of life. If you listen, listen in order 🙂