The distress of December is upon us. It’s cold. It’s wet. You have three papers, two tests, and a group project due within the next 4 days. Facebook just notified you about the 11 events you won’t be able to attend this week. To top it off, you might have just found your first gray hair–even though you can’t remember the last time you used a brush, or took a shower for that matter.
It may officially be socially acceptable to listen to Christmas music, but there’s nothing holly jolly about the massive pile of work you’ve got to plow through. Never fear! While I can’t pass your Spanish oral exam for you, do your Chemistry lab report, or help you with your thesis, I can provide you with a playlist to boost your focus and (marsh)mellow your vibes.
“Stressed Out, Snowed In” is a compilation of over 2 hours worth of chill music for the chilly nights, with interwoven Christmastime jams for bursts of peace, love, and joy to combat the loneliness of the library. Tune in to give your stress a lump of coal, and get some hot cocoa for the soul.
- Wonderful Christmastime –Paul McCartney
- Giving Up The Gun –Vampire Weekend
- When We’re Apart –The Morning Benders
- Mistletoe –Justin Bieber
- The Scientist –Coldplay
- 10,000 Weight in Gold –The Head and the Heart
- Happy Xmas (War is Over) –John Lennon
- Doctor Worm –Relient K
- Please Don’t Go –Barcelona
- All I Want for Christmas is You –Mariah Carey
- Don’t Know Why –Norah Jones
- Class Historian –BRONCHO
- Sleigh Ride –Relient K
- Strawberry Swing –Coldplay
- Take Me Somewhere Nice –Mogwai
- I’ll Be Home For Christmas –Elvis Presley and Carrie Underwood
- She Will Be Loved –Maroon 5
- Two Weeks –Grizzly Bear
- Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas –Frank Sinatra
- Forever Young –Youth Group
- To Die in L.A. –Lower Dens
- It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas –Michael Bublé
- Karma Police –Radiohead
- Eyes –Rogue Wave
- Cold December Night –Michael Bublé
- Beyond Love –Beach House
- The Rip Tide –Beirut
- White Winter Hymnal –Fleet Foxes
- Stop This Train –John Mayer
- Silence –Aly & AJ
- Wish List –Neon Trees
- Watermark –Enya
- Time –Hans Zimmer
- Silent Night –The Piano Guys