Stop Resisting: An Interview

Photo credit: Chris Michel
Photo credit: Chris Michel

For those of you who missed it, Stop Resisting recently had a show in the basement of Towers. The set-up was great, with curtains over the door and multicolored lights playing off the walls. However, for some of us concert goers it was a little difficult to tell what exactly was going on with this new band. They played a mix of originals and covers, and while I was incredibly entertained, I needed to find out a little more about this new band. I emailed one of the band members, Will Braithwaite, and he got me the inside scoop. So without further ado, I give you Stop Resisting.

10 Best Pop Punk Christmas Songs


Pop punk gets a lot of hate because, you know, it kind of sucks (for reasons why this statement is valid, please watch and enjoy this lovely vid:  Anyway, this reality doesn’t stop me from listening to the genre constantly.  Objectively speaking, I know I don’t have the best music taste, but pop punk songs are freaking adorable, so here are some of my personal favorite holiday songs from this genre (no covers included).

Catifish Takes Over Marathon

Photo Credit: Haley Brecher
Photo Credit: Haley Brecher

On Saturday night, I experienced one of my favorite concerts in my entire concert-going career with a band that I least expected. While I have seen Catfish and the Bottlemen perform live before and enjoy listening to their music, I would not place them at the top of the list of my favorite artists. However, I promised my friend and favorite concert-buddy Haley that I’d go with her because they were on her bucket list of bands to see live.

Dear Santa


Have you taken the time to write your “Dear Santa…” letter? Did you desperately beg for Tha Carter V, Detox, or the Chance the Rapper/Childish Gambino mixtape to drop in 2017? Unfortunately, even Santa’s elves won’t pull through for those. While you check out the pre-Christmas Cole Santa has left for you, check out the albums Santa will manage to bring for next year.

Why Spotify Premium is Actually Worth It


You sit down at your desk after a long, hard day of work. Unraveling your headphones, you anticipate the transcendent melodies of your favorite artists. Today, it’s Elliot Smith, and nothing could stop you from drifting off to the sound of his cherubic voice. Just as you lift a steamy cup of herbal tea to your lips and click play, you jerk back in agony, your headphones flying off your head and crashing to the linoleum floor.

DIIV Lights Up High Watt on November 12

DIIV's Zachary Cole Smith at the High Watt, November 12. (photo: Meredith Mattlin)
DIIV’s Zachary Cole Smith at the High Watt, November 12. (photo: Meredith Mattlin)

One thing that DIIV has undeniably cultivated is a certain, for lack of a better word, aesthetic—that quintessentially millennial, carelessly cool, baggy-shirt-baggy-pants-European-jazz-shoes Brooklynite look that perfectly matches their laid-back, yet guitar-heavy, washed-out sound. Despite their niche persona (or perhaps because of it), they have wide appeal, and wowed the crowded High Watt last night at their show.

Songs to Listen to Over Break

Photo Credit:
Photo Credit:

So since we find ourselves in November and I’m feeling somewhat reflective, I think that this is a perfect opportunity to look back over the year and take some time to consider how great some of these 2016 tracks have been. Honestly It’s been a pretty nice year in terms of music (and a pretty terrible year in terms of other things) and there’s a ton of quality out there. So we’re gonna keep it light and fun and just look at some stunners that have been released in the calendar year of 2016. No specific order.

Daylight Savings Time and the Bedroom

Photo credit: ABC News
Photo credit: ABC News

Daylight savings time did something to us. Now we wake up… and it’s dark. We go in buildings for the whole day. Then when we walk home it’s dark again. With light only available for a few hours now, it’s easy to slip into playlists that sound well, melancholic. Though the trees are changing colors, their leaves are still falling and dying off. We’re in this place where we need to accept the changes in the day and slowly dive into this new dark lifestyle. The best artist to help us through this is Bedroom, also known as Noah Kittinger.

Wild Nothing Comes to Nashville

Photo credit: Haley Brecher
Photo credit: Haley Brecher

My Wednesday started last week with my professor cancelling my 6-9pm class so that he could watch the Cubs game.  I was pretty pumped because having a three hour class on Wednesday nights is beyond brutal, but on top of that, I received a text from my friend Haley begging me to go with her to see Wild Nothing perform that night. While I had never heard of the band before, my love for discovering new music inclined me to say yes, and I am so glad that I did.

Altering Tracks: A Perspective



Originally, this blog post was going to be a review of Tinashe’s newly released commercial mixtape Nightride. While I quite like the mixtape, something so atrocious happened during its production that it entirely consumed the contents of this post.

Young Thug was removed from “Party Favors”.

WRVU Unplugged: Cool Waves


Once in a while, you don’t get to do your interview in person. But, behold! That’s alright thanks to the Internet. This week, through the flexible avenue of gmail message threads, I had the privilege of interviewing one of our senior DJs Julia Anderson.

5 Reasons Why I Love The End


The End is such an ominous title for a concert venue. I remember my freshman year when I did my very first in-studio interview. The band I was interviewing was telling me all about their show tonight at The End. Being a clueless freshman, I of course asked ‘at the end of what’?

Three years later and infinitely wiser, I’ve grown to love that concert venue on Elliston. Here are five reasons why: